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Credible is an financial institution in The United State. It merges
The system analyzes more than 1.0 billion data points to assess users’ risks and requirements based on your location, comparable properties, and personal preferences. Then, it provides personalized recommendations that are tailored to users’ needs. Users can easily compare quotes from various insurance providers based on price, rating, and coverage, and make their purchase with ease.


Pictures and icongraphy help condensed content and engage users interaction and interesting more than long paragraph description or text string.

Group of questions and optimizing questions

We understand that users are required to answer a lengthy questionnaire, the number of questions varying depending on their situation and responses. The challenge lies in minimizing the inconvenience for users. 
To make it more user-friendly, the questions are divided into smaller sections and presented in a question-and-answer format. This approach keeps the conversation concise and avoids overloading the user with too much information at once. Additionally, the response to a previous question may impact the next one, making this a suitable structure for a fluid conversation.

Responsive Design

The evaluation is accessible to users on any device, while also complying with the standards of the Credible Design System. Furthermore, the components are designed to support responsive design, ensuring optimal user experience across various platforms.

1. Name and Address
2. Risk Evaluation
3. Real Estate’s Possessor
4. Real Estate’s Infratructure
5. Real Estate’s Equipments
6. Choose Insurance plan type

Icon Set

This service has its own icon set that represents household items and service options

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